Ignition Starter Switch Bracket

Part Number: 48412-9Y701
Supersession(s): 48412-CB800; 48412-CB810; 48412-CC20A; 484129Y701

Knob Steering Lock. Service File K.
A component to which the Ignition Switch is mounted to or supported by.


Fits FX35, FX45, G35

3 people have looked at this part recently
Diagram KEY SET & BLANK KEY for your 2006 INFINITI G35
Required: 1
C<200208 - 200306>
C<200306 - 200310>
C<200310 - 200408>
C<200408 - 200508>
C<200508 ->
2006 - 2007
- *C. 2WD. IRS. SPORT. AT. F5 + *C. 2WD. HI. AT. F5 + *C. TRACK

2006 - 2007
- C. 2WD. SPORT. AT. F5 + C. 2WD. HI. AT. F5 + C. TRACK
Diagram KEY SET & BLANK KEY for your 2006 INFINITI G35
Required: 1
S<200201 - 200208>
S<200208 - 200306>
S<200306 - 200310>
S<200310 - 200408>
S<200408 - 200608>
2006 - 2007
- *S. 2WD. IRS. TRACK + *S. 4WD + *S. SPORT. AT. F5

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